Sitting amidst their favourite plants in a small balcony, a dynamic brother-sister duo finally decided to take advantage of the sister being an architect and the brother being an excellent entrepreneur. After almost 4 hours of rigorous discussions, arguments and a humongous pile of scribbled ideas and information on random pieces of papers, there was only one question left to answer now. What would we call ourselves? Not knowing then, that the answer to this question would create their identity and everything they would stand for in the coming time, the question was answered patiently and after much R&D, satisfactorily.

POCHĒ, literally translating from French, is the technical term for the solid part in a 2-dimensional drawing. Metaphorically, it stands for the creation of spaces, since it is only the solids that create the voids. After all the tedious processes, Poche finally came into being in the October of 2018. But in the duo's minds, it had existed forever. Starting then, the name drove us to where we are today and inspires us, along with every dreamer, every day to create what we imagine.


Pochē stands firmly on the belief that imagination has no limits. Our endeavor is to convert every idea to reality, however bizarre or eccentric. Creativity is what we eat, breathe and live for.

A team of talented professionals, our young family puts their heart and soul to create spaces as close to imagination as possible. Under the Pochē umbrella, the team consists of two wings- aesthetics and creatives. The aesthetics team works tirelessly to create surreal spaces, while the counterpart creative team strives to achieve wonders in the field of graphic designing. From branding to building, from furniture to flyers, team Poche does it all. 

At Pochē, we strongly believe that no idea is too small: Whether the entirety of a home or a small chair, we are more than happy to provide all the help we can. Every element, irrespective of its size, is treated with equal attention and care, for every tiny detail has a story to tell.



Get in touch with our team to know more about how we can help